Born in 2003, Zen began playing the piano at the age of 4. Always passionate about music and the piano, in 2012 he entered the class of Mayumi Balet-Kameda at the Geneva Conservatoire, in 2019 the class of Cédric Pescia at the Haute école de musique de Genève, and in 2024 was admitted to the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris by unanimous decision of the jury, where he will continue his Master’s studies in the class of Hortense Cartier-Bresson. Translated with (free version)

As for competitions, his results are brilliant: in 2017, he won 1st prize with distinction at the Swiss Youth Music Competition. In 2018, after winning 2nd prize at the Val de Travers International Competition, he went on to win the Steinway Switzerland Competition and was invited to play at the 18th International Steinway Festival in Hamburg. In 2024, he won 2nd prize and the Edith Fischer prize at the Lausanne music interpretation competition.

He has also performed at a number of renowned Swiss music festivals, including Lavaux Classic in Cully and the Festival international de piano de Saint-Ursanne.